Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Time Flies

It is hard to believe that the first month of the year is nearly over. School starts again this week after the long summer break and I will have to remember to slow down at all the school crossings.

Today my house smells like a 'pickle factory'. This morning I picked the remainder of the beetroot and pickled them. I've also made some rhubarb chutney.

We spent some time this morning weeding the vegie garden, it's hard to find what is left in there as the pumpkins and weeds have taken over. While wandering around the garden I picked the first of the cucumbers & zucchini , we're doing much better with them this year. Last year the cucumbers in particular were a real flop.

Also picked a couple of kilos of plums, not sure yet whether to just stew them or make them into jam.

I'm finding it very difficult to get motivated and into the sewing mood, I did make these 2 blocks as the first installment of BOM that I signed up for. I'd like to make it in country/autumn colours.

I'm also trying to make it from my stash, even after two years the stash doesn't seem to have diminished. Honestly, I didn't have a very big one to start with and most of the fabric I've bought lately has been for backings.


Christine said...

Sue, you and I both seem to have the "summer holiday" lethargy. Even though my "kids" are grown up (youngest is 22) I still like to "vegetate" over Christmas/New Year and of course DH takes his annual holidays. I get a bit cranky when everyone starts trying to get back to business on 2nd January, I'm still "on holidays" even if I don't get to escape Sydney for a while, as happened this year. But now it's almost February, my commitments are as many as last year (my own fault for not saying NO occasionally) so I guess I'd better get on with it again!
Christine in HOT Sydney

Carol E. said...

I think it's harder to get motivated to sew quilts during hot weather. I'm in the cold, time to hibernate mode here in MN so I'm getting a lot done. Your time will come when I'm in the hot lethargy times.