Tuesday 20 February 2007

summer is very trying..........

I have had enough of the hot weather, it's been so humid and sticky here that I haven't accomplished very much at all. To top it off I've been without a computer for over a week!

Tonight DH and I have just got back from unloading a new bull. Not an easy task in the dark, hard to convince a creature that size to turn around and leave the trailer. Doing this type of thing in daylight would just be too easy, lol.

Not much on the patchwork front, I've been working on some ATC's for a swap next month and trying to finish off the applique on Lilibet's Garden. Still deciding what design to use in the corners. If I followed the pattern it would be much easier.

Did finish another pair of socks, managed to make them both different sizes. You can't tell when you're wearing them. Middle daughter was home for the weekend and she was rather taken with them......I hope they're still here.

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